
What else....

Gift Certificates


Here you do find gift certificates for our shop!

Certificates will be emailed after receival of payment** as PDF document in DIN A4 format (PDF-reader and printer for print of certificate required).-


**Email transmission for certificates paid for before 6:00PM mondays to fridays will be emailed the same day (between 6:00PM and 8:00PM except for holidays) - gift certificates which are paid for between 6:00PM fridays and 12:00PM sundays and on holidays will be emailed the following business day (between 6:00PM and 8:00PM).-


Please note:

COD shipping of gift certificates is not available.-

Our shop-software can't process orders of gift certificates together with regular orders.- Please place 2 separate orders if you want to order any products besides the gift certificate.

Important: Please doublecheck your email-address for typing errors - we recommend to give us a phone number so we can contact you in the case the email with the gift certificate can't be delivered.


Available In English too - see detail pages for examples....